Isaac Hendrickson

BLA, BCSLA Intern<br /> Landscape Designer

Isaac is a graduate of the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph, having completed his Bachelor of Landscape Architecture in May of 2021. He discovered the field of landscape architecture while working summer jobs in landscape construction during his teenage years. The profession felt like a natural progression of his interests, leading him to pursue his education in the field. He continued to work in construction during summers between his studies; this provided him with an understanding of materials, costs, logistics, and a practical underpinning to inform his design work.

Born and raised in Kansas, Isaac has a deep attachment to the prairies and feels like they are generally overlooked in society, and sometimes even regarded with disdain. He finds the qualities of these landscapes to be beautiful and unique, and attributes the prairies as one of the main influences in his professional work.

Isaac is most intrigued by the intersectionality of landscape architecture, specifically between ecology and conservation. His thesis focused on designing planting pallets to be resilient in the face of climate change, and his capstone project involved the design of a biomimetic farm in Western Kansas.
